Thirukkural arathupal in english
Thirukkural arathupal in english

thirukkural arathupal in english

Like most of the books in Sangam literature here too the primary characters are Thalaivan, Thalaivi and Thozhi. Moo.Varadharasanar says that in this third part of the book the teacher vanishes and is replaced by his imaginary characters the Thalaivan and Thalaivi. When the whole book is didactic in nature, this part gives pleasure to the readers. His relationship with his wife Vasuki ammal might have had some bearing in this part because this part talks about something personal, experienced by individuals. Kamathupal is presented as if it is being narrated by a person experienced in this area. While Arathupal and Porutpal are told from the teachers perspective ie valluvar himself. The 10 kurals in each chapter can be used as scripts for a drama, such is the structure of kamathupal. There are 25 chapters in this part and these are beautifully stringed together like a drama.

thirukkural arathupal in english

Kamathupal’s structure itself is different from that of the first two parts of the book. While Arathupal and Porutpal are similar to that of other books of virtues and ethics in other languages of that era kamathupal stands distinct.

thirukkural arathupal in english

The formation and structure of Arathupal and Porutpal in Thirukural is different from that of kamathupal. There are 3 parts in Thirukural Arathupal, Porutpal and Kamathupal. Most believe he wrote Thirukkural in 30 BC which is part of Tamil Sangam Period.I’ve specifically chosen this part of the book from thirukural, because it was difficult to collect notes for this part and also many people tend to stop with the arathupal and porutpal and ignore kamathupal as if it never existed, the same wise old Thiruvalluvar was the author of this part of the book. It was authored by Thiruvalluvar, a poet who is said to have lived anytime between 2nd century BCE and 5th century CE. Thirukkural, is a classic of couplets or Kurals (1330 rhyming Tamil couplets) or aphorisms. Thirukkural in english An introduction to Thirukkural and its author

Thirukkural arathupal in english